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Foreign tourists love the cold weather, especially in Hanoi

Many international visitors come to the walking street to hang out, save special autumn weather and eat Hanoi specialties, on the weekend of October 16. These lakeside cafes are always in a state of full table, naturally indispensable for Western customers. Opt for a non-framed site because it provides comfort and allows customers to enjoy the surroundings.

18/10/2022 561 View
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Unlike the perception of the people of Hanoi, I am a child of the Southern land who first came to the capital in the fall and surprisingly, Hanoi is strangely beautiful, the people are too simple. Unlike the "rumors" that I have heard before, "Hanoi is cramped and crowded", "Hanoi is expensive and noisy", "Hanoi people are not friendly", I have a feeling that really different. Hanoi in autumn is beautiful, very romantic, the roads are not crowded and busy like in Saigon, life here is quiet and passes very smoothly. The people of Hanoi are so warm and welcoming and I love living in Hanoi.

Peaceful old streets
Ancient Hanoi with 36 streets in beautiful autumn days, there are old houses adorned with a bit of "time color" of green moss and yellow of leaves, making the scene here extremely romantic. together. Although the old quarters in Hanoi are not impressive enough, not as attractive as in Hoi An, but walking around Hanoi's old quarters in the autumn days, you will understand why 36 streets of Hanoi used to be "stormy". on literary forums.

I miss the lucky winds
In the South where I live, there is no autumn but only 2 rainy and sunny seasons, so the feeling of enjoying the autumn wind in Hanoi for the first time is so strange to me. The gentle breeze, although not enough to make me feel cold, but it also made me a little uneasy. Surely, the children of Hanoi who go far away from home will miss the gentle, clear breezes in the autumn sky of Hanoi.

And also the scent of milk flowers, the scent of Com Vong
The late musician Trinh Cong Son also had feelings when "Remembering Hanoi's autumn" with:
“…the season of milk flowers, fragrant with every wind,
the season of green nuggets arrives, fragrant little hands,
Sidewalk milk nuggets, fragrant step by step…”
Referring to the autumn of Hanoi without mentioning Com Vong and milk flowers, there is nothing interesting. Knowing that, I also walked around the streets of the capital, feeling the passionate scent of milk flowers in the wind and the smell of fragrant rice from the street vendors. Those are the most idyllic things of the capital land that everyone finds interesting when coming to Hanoi in the autumn days. On a sunny afternoon, walking around the streets of Nguyen Du, Quang Trung, Phan Dinh Phung... inhaling the scent of milk flowers and feeling the peace of life to love this land more.

Quiet sunset at West Lake
In Hanoi, there are many lakes, but perhaps West Lake is the place I want to go the most, because the large space here makes my heart feel relieved, forgetting the chaos and fatigue in life. And especially, standing in front of the sunset of West Lake, watching the golden rays of the sun at the end of the day shine on the water surface, passing gently and disappearing under the horizon, is really impressive. I choose to cycle around the lake, watch Thanh Nien street lined with green trees, visit Tran Quoc pagoda and then stop at a tea shop right next to the lake, breathe in the fresh air, watch the sunset in the middle of nowhere. The cold air of autumn, very interesting.

Street vendors carry the whole “Autumn in Hanoi”
Traveling to Hanoi in the autumn days is not only to see the romantic old streets in front of the scenery of falling yellow leaves, feel the chilly air, but also to see the street vendors carrying the "Autumn sky in Hanoi". ". You can easily see street vendors on the streets of the capital, which are flower carriers carrying typical flowers of Hanoi's autumn: daisies, yellow chrysanthemums, heather chrysanthemums, lilies. … Or the honest street vendors bring you typical rural gifts of the capital, Com Vong, green bean rice cakes, crocodiles, persimmons...

The ancient look of the works that go with the years
I have read a lot through books, watched many movies and heard many times from Hanoi friends about famous buildings in Hanoi. But this is the first time coming, seeing it with my own eyes, feeling so touched. Especially when coming to Ba Dinh Square, visiting Uncle Ho's mausoleum, visiting the Temple of Literature, One Pillar Pagoda, Hanoi Cathedral or watching the "color of time" covering Long Bien Bridge.